International Certificates for Operators of Pleasure Crafts

This article consists information about International licences to operate pleasere crafts. For ICC click International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft.

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Flag State Inland Waters Close Costal Waters Close offshore extended offshore offshore ICC included
Germany Sportbootführerschein Binnen

valid on inland Waters[1]

Sportbootführerschein See

valid for offshore up to 3 miles [1]


valid for offshore up to 12 miles [1]


valid for offshore up to 30 miles and Northsea, Baltic Sea, Mediteranien Sea, Black Sea and English Canal [1]


valid for offshore [1]

Austria Befähigungsausweis für Tages- und Wattfahrt

valid for offshore up to 3 miles

Befähigungsausweis für Küstenfahrt

valid for offshore up to 20 miles

Befähigungsausweis für Küstennahe Fahrt

valid for offshore up to 200 miles

Befähigungsausweis für Weltweite Fahrt

valid for offshore

Switzerland Schiffsführerausweis

valid for inland waters


valid for Offshore

United Kingdome Yachtmaster Coastal

valid for Costal Waters

Yachtmaster Offshore

valid for Offshore up to 150 miles

Yachtmaster Ocean

yalid for offshore

Israel Grade 30 Authorization to operate a boat in coastal waters

valid for costal waters [2]

Grade 60 Authorization to operade a boat on international voyages

valid for offshore [2]

Netherlands Vaarbewijs I

valid for chanels and lakes
Vaarbewijs II
valid on inland waters including IJsselmeer, Markermeer, IJmeer, Waddenzee, Westerschelde, Oosterschelde, Eems und Dollart[3]



  1. ^ a b c d e Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung: Sicherheit auf dem Wasser. Wichtige Regeln und Tipps für Wassersportler., S. 8 und 9.
  2. ^ a b Syllabus for small craft operators, State of Israel, Ministry of Transport, Administration of Shipping & Ports
  3. ^ Informationen zum Vaarbewijs